The Village of Airport Drive, MO is located in Jasper County Missouri and is part of the Joplin metropolitan area.
The area first developed in the early 1800's. The first residents of the area known as the Village of Airport Drive came during the mining era of the 19th century. The most recognized landmark in the Village, Stone's Corner, was named for the former resident, Dr. Wilfred J. Stone. His home and business were located at the intersection of Highways 43 and 171. The Village of Airport Drive was incorporated on November 27, 1947. The name of the Village was taken from the close proximity of the Joplin Municipal Airport. The Village is bordered by the City of Joplin, the City of Carl Junction and Jasper County. The Village's history is similar to an urban suburb, people moved to the Village to live in a "country atmosphere". The Village is currently home to 698 residents and growing. The Village has a Board of Trustees, which serves as the primary decision making body, along with a Zoning Commission and Board of Adjustment. The Trustees serve two-year terms with a chairman elected within. The Board of Trustees looks for active participation of individual citizens and groups to encourage open communication and evaluation of needs. The Board believes that through community input and citizen participation, that the Comprehensive Plan for the Village reflects the community spirit and ambitions. |
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